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Fitness Services

Fuerza Maxima provides professional, certified fitness programs designed to help you reach and maintain your maximum health and fitness goals. We work with each client to custom design an exercise plan that reflects their short and long-term goals. 

Services: Service
Young Woman in the Gym

Single Session - $150/session

Busy schedule? Prefer to book on the go? The flex pack is great for those who prefer flexibility in booking individual sessions at a time and are capable of managing and fitting their sessions in when works best for their busy lifestyle

Running Machine

6 Sessions - $115/session

Ready to make a change in your life style and health? Need a kick in the booster before an upcoming event? The Core Pack is the perfect package to help jump start your fitness routine and give you the core fundamentals needed to start seeing changes in your body and energy

Sunset Run

12 sessions - $105/session

You're ready to commit to your health for the long hall, and want to be held accountable. The Endurance pack is customized to provide you with consistency, accountability, and  fundamentals along with the advance knowledge & training to sculpt and work your body to its maximum capability

Push Ups

24 Sessions - $100/session

You are committed to making this your new life style. You are ready to reach your maximum level of health and well being by dedicating your self to learning and committing your mind and body to all its possibilities. It is simple physics - by applying maximum effort you WILL achieve your maximum results

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